Top 10 Stunning Red Animals

Western Red Scorpionfish: The mottled red scales and tassel-like appendages provide camouflage as it lies in wait at the bottom of coral reefs for prey to swim by at night so it can suck them up into its large mouth.

Strawberry Poison Dart Frog:it’s named, most populations featured red skin covered with black spots, but blue, green, yellow, and orange color morphs also exist in the wild. 

Siamese Fighting Fish: The name of this species comes from the fact that males are incredibly aggressive toward each other.

Scarlet Macaw:Scarlet Macaws top the list of red animals for their iconic and colorful plumage. Measuring about 33 inches from beak to tail, they rank among the largest parrots in the entire world. 

Scarlet Ibis:These large wading birds, which can be found along the wetlands and coast of South America and the Caribbean, are covered in scarlet plumage except for their black wingtips. 

Red Squirrels:There are actually several different types of species that exhibit red fur, including the Eurasian red squirrel and the American red squirrel. 

Red Panda:While they do have bear-like faces, red pandas are only distantly related to both bears and pandas. These mammals are actually the only living member of their family.

 Northern Cardinal:The northern cardinal is a small but fast-flying songbird that inhabits much of temperate North America (a similar species, known as the vermilion cardinal, can be found in South America as well). 

Ladybug:Red adult ladybugs will often develop these bright colors to warn away predators in the mating season – not because they’re deadly, but because they taste bad.

Blood Red Glider:The blood-red glider is a colorful medium-sized butterfly from central Africa.

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