10 Most Expensive Law Schools in the US

Columbia Law School - Situated in New York City, Columbia's prestigious law program comes with a hefty price tag.

New York University (NYU) School of Law - Located in Manhattan, NYU Law's prime location and top-notch faculty contribute to its status.

University of Chicago Law School - Known for its rigorous curriculum and esteemed faculty, the University of Chicago Law commands steep.

Stanford Law School - Situated in Silicon Valley, Stanford Law offers a blend of academic excellence and proximity to tech and legal industries.

Harvard Law School - As one of the most renowned law schools globally, Harvard Law's prestigious reputation and top-tier education come.

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Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law - Located near Chicago, Northwestern Law's combination of academic rigor and urban setting.

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University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School - Ivy League member UPenn Law's esteemed programs and renowned faculty contribute to its position.

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Georgetown University Law Center - Situated in Washington, D.C., Georgetown Law's proximity to government institutions.

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Cornell Law School - Another Ivy League member, Cornell Law's exceptional legal education and distinguished faculty come with a significant price tag.

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University of Southern California (Gould) Law School - Located in Los Angeles, USC Law's prime location and strong alumni network contribute to its high tuition fees.

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