10 Rarest Types of Teas from Around the World

Da Hong Pao-Grown in the Wuyi Mountains of China, Da Hong Pao is a highly prized oolong tea.It is known for its complex flavors.

Tie Guan Yin-Also known as Iron Goddess of Mercy,Tie Guan Yin is a premium oolong tea from China's Fujian Province.Its distinctive floral aroma.

Gyokuro-It is a high-quality Japanese green tea that is shaded for several weeks before harvest,resulting in a unique and intense flavor.

Matcha-It is a powdered green tea that has gained popularity worldwide.However high-grade ceremonial matcha.

Silver Needle-It also known as Bai Hao Yinzhen is a prized white tea from China.It consists of young tea buds covered in fine silvery-white hairs.

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Yellow Gold Tea - Yellow Gold Tea, also called Huángjīn Gūyún, is a rare and precious Chinese tea. It is known for its vibrant golden color.

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Darjeeling First Flush-It is harvested during the first plucking season in the Darjeeling region of India.Its delicate and floral flavors.

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Phoenix Dancong-It is a type of oolong tea grown in the Phoenix Mountain area of China.

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Junshan Yinzhen-It is a rare yellow tea produced on Junshan Island in Hunan Province, China.

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Pu-erh Tea-It is a fermented tea that comes from Yunnan Province in China.While it is widely available.

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