15 foods that keep you full for longer

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Pineapple - Rich in fibers, pineapple can keep the stomach occupied with digestion for longer. It's also got lots of vitamins and minerals that help with body regulation.

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Oats - Oats usually expand in the stomach. During digestion, they produce a jelly-like substance, which prolongs a feeling of fullness.

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Herbal tea - Most teas calm the stomach. The best infusions for hunger-control are lemongrass, green tea, clove, and cinnamon.

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Eggs - They're a source of protein, which means they are digested slowly and keep the body from getting hungry for longer.

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Tofu - Tofu has very few calories and helps to reduce hunger.

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Pumpkin - Pumpkin contains lots of fibers and very few calories, so it's ok to eat without the fear of getting hungry again soon.

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Cheese - Just like eggs, it's rich in protein, so it prolongs the feeling of fullness.

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Wheat bran - This food is capable of reducing the glycemic index of pasta and rice, which stabilizes appetite.

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Ginger - Ginger root is a great digestive aid. When added to food it serves as a stimulant and energizer, improving digestion and reducing hunger.

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Apples - The fruit is rich in fibers and contains pectin, which helps the brain understand faster that it is has had enough food.

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The photograph test - Putting positive characteristics against someone’s photograph makes them appear better looking to other people.

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Peanuts - The good fats in peanuts can help to regulate blood sugars and provide a longer-lasting feeling of satisfaction, preventing any desire to snack.

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Avocado - Rich in fibers and monounsaturated fats, avocados can help reduce appetite, as they send a message to the brain that the body is full.

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Nuts - Nuts control appetite because they're rich in healthy unsaturated fats and even contain a decent amount of protein and fiber.

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Grains - Beans, lentils, and peas are rich in proteins, fibers, antioxidants, complex B vitamins, and iron. These substances help to keep your appetite in check.

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