15 important questions you should ask yourself every day

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1. What matters most to me in my life? - For example, how important is living a true and honest life, an authentic life?

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2. What would I do with my life if there were no limits? - This question allows you to realize who you would truly want to be if there were no barriers in life.

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3. How important is my own happiness? - Experiencing happiness is important for our emotional and physical health. A positive feeling is a good feeling.

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4. Have I found my life's purpose yet? - Knowing your purpose in life can leave you happier, healthier, and more fulfilled.

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5. What is my greatest challenge? - Sometimes the greatest challenge facing an individual is belief in oneself.

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6. What's the next big step I need to take? - Focusing on personal growth often helps you identify the most rewarding way forward.

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7. What type of friend do I want to be? - Everyone needs friends, but based on your personality you might need a certain type of friend.

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8. Do I embrace or avoid how I am feeling? - It's always best to embrace negative feelings and learn from them to improve your future.

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9. What relaxes me when I'm feeling stressed? - This is all about self-improvement. For instance, almost any form of physical activity can act as a stress reliever.

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10. How do I define success? - Practice how you define success by considering your greatest achievements and how they have empowered you personally and financially.

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11. What makes me proud of my work? - Taking pride in your work generally means you feel satisfied with your contribution to your job. 

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12. Am I a good example for those around me? - The answer to this question largely depends on how you see yourself.

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13. I enjoy my own company because... - A common response to this question is that a person can learn how to be independent and thus expect less from other people.

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14. Am I a better person today than I was a year ago? - This depends on whether you've carried into the future your best qualities from the past and improved upon them.

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15. What habits will my future self appreciate? - Deciding on lifestyle choices now is a good way of making them happen later.

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