Blackheads: The best and worst ways to remove them

Understand the enemy - First of all, a blackhead is not dark in color because it’s dirt. It’s formed when a pore becomes blocked with oil and other tiny particles. 

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Oxidized oil and dirt - Exposure to air causes the material to oxidize, resulting in its black appearance.

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Where they form-They commonly form in the places where oil is produced and gathers a lot, like around the nose, forehead, chin, and even shoulders, back, and chest.

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Salicylic acid - Blackheads are caused by oil and dead skin cells blocking pores. Salicylic acid, found in numerous cleansers, breaks down oil and dead skin cells.

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Start with once a day - Begin by using salicylic acid wash only once daily, and wash your face multiple times as well. 

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Masks - Clay masks are great at removing oil from blocked pores, and some also include sulfur to eliminate dead skin cells.

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Remove makeup daily - To prevent blackheads, avoid sleeping with makeup on. Although it may seem daunting to remove it after a tiring day, it's essential.

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Dryness and itching - For instance, pore strips eliminate substances such as hair follicles and oils that are beneficial for the skin, resulting in dryness and irritation.

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Oil glands - When this irritation occurs, your sebaceous glands respond by producing additional oil, leading to an increase in blackheads.

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Professional is the key word - Additional methods for extraction involve the use of specialized metal or plastic tools, which effectively clear pores without causing harm.

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It requires skill and knowledge - Training is necessary to safely use these tools, as improper use can result in skin scratches, wounds, and potentially permanent scars.

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Allow six to 12 weeks for the routine. - Typical blackhead treatment regimens usually require six to 12 weeks to effectively reduce or minimize their appearance.

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Seek counsel - If there hasn't been any improvement after this period or if you notice a significant worsening of the skin, it's advisable to consult a dermatologist.

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Additional suggestions - To reduce the appearance of blackheads on your nose, it is recommended to avoid self-tanners and excessive product use.

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Do not stress your skin - It is a common mistake to apply too many skincare products to your skin, thinking that using more will solve the problem.

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