Essential Survival Projects You Should Build ASAP

1. Survival Food You Can Make at Home: When disaster hits, you never know when things will get back to normal. 

2. FREE Hot Running Water: If you’re off the grid or don’t have power, it can be hard to obtain hot running water.

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3. DIY No-Grid Air Conditioning Unit: It doesn’t get much simpler than this, as far as a homemade air conditioner goes.

4. How to Make Water out of Thin Air: The University of California has researchers working on a project that could turn air into water. 

5. Backyard Traps and Alarms for Looters and Intruders: Let’s say, worst-case scenario, society devolves to the point.

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6. Build a Composting Toilet: Sunrise Specialty has a step-by-step tutorial for those who want to compost their waste. 

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7. Build a Smokehouse: If you have a minimal budget and a bunch of pallets lying around, you could build a smokehouse for under $100.

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8. PVC Hand Pump for Tapping into the Fresh Water Under Your Property: Fresh water is a major must-have in a survival situation, and it should be one.

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9. DIY Harmless Pest Traps That Actually Work: Pests are annoying, but that doesn’t mean you automatically want to kill the little critters.

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10. Build a Wood Rocket Stove: Credit for this wood rocket stove project goes to Man Made DIY.

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11. Grow Your Own Organic Grocery Store: There are a lot of benefits to growing your own food. Though you have to invest some money.

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12. How To Run Electricity On Dead Batteries: Gray Wolf Survival joked that this is called the “Joule Thief.”

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13. Make a DIY Survival Shelter With $5: A lot of preppers and survivalists are on short budgets.

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