Famous people who were ahead of their time

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Nikola Tesla - Tesla's work in alternating current (AC) electricity formed the backbone of modern power systems, shaping the way we harness energy.

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Marie Curie - Marie Curie's pioneering research on radioactivity opened new horizons in atomic and subatomic science, setting the stage for modern physics.

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Alan Turing - Alan Turing's computational and artificial intelligence breakthroughs laid the foundation for today's digital world, reshaping our future.

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Ada Lovelace - Lovelace's visionary insights into early computer programming showcased her exceptional foresight, influencing the future of computing.

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Martin Luther King Jr. - Dr. King's tireless advocacy for racial equality and social justice reshaped American society, inspiring lasting change.

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Rosa Parks - Rosa Parks' refusal to give up her bus seat catalyzed the American civil rights movement, demonstrating the power of individual resistance.

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Amelia Earhart - Amelia Earhart, the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic, defied gender norms, becoming an aviation pioneer whose spirit of adventure still soars.

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Albert Einstein - Einstein's theory of relativity revolutionized our understanding of the universe, introducing a new paradigm of space, time, and energy.

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Neil Armstrong - Neil Armstrong, the first person to set foot on the Moon, symbolized human achievement and ambition, leaving an indelible mark on space exploration.

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Eleanor Roosevelt - This transformative first lady championed human rights and social justice, leaving a profound and lasting impact on American society and beyond.

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Carl Sagan - Sagan's ability to communicate complex scientific concepts made space exploration accessible to the public and inspired a passion for the cosmos.

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