Historical Photos Of What Life Was Really Like Around 100 Years Ago

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1. Gym Class A Century Ago: Gym class, the bane of a lot of students’ scholarly existence, has been around since the mid-1800s.

2. MGM’s Leo Makes His Debut: Leo the Lion is the popular mascot for MGM, and he was also the mascot for Goldwyn Pictures.

3. Vaudeville Girls: Of course, you couldn’t live through the ‘20s and not catch a vaudeville show.

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4. A 1920s Beach Day: Let’s just say, you weren’t going to see any Instagram-worthy bikinis back in the 1920s. 

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5. Coney Island Beauty Pageant, 1925: Pictured here from left to right are Marcella Miller, “Miss Coney Island,” 

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6. Dancing The Charleston: The Charleston was one of the 1920s’ most popular dances, 

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7. Gather ‘Round The Candy Counter: Mary Janes, Rock Candy, Peppermint Puffs, and Tootsie Rolls were traded across wooden counters in the 1920s.

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8. Cooling Down In The Summer: These women were cooling off on a giant block of ice back in the 1920s, as the ’20s had some scorching summers.

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9. A Model T Driving Down A Hill: We couldn’t have a list of 1920s things without including a submission from Ford .

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10. A Small, Southern General Store: This photo features people gathered ‘round a small, Southern general store in Utica.

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11. A School A Century Ago: Taken near Christmastime in 1920, this photo showcases.

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12. A Parisian Cafe, 1920: Paris in 1920 was between the Wars (World War I and World War II), and art, music.

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13. The Football Team Lines Up: This football team was lining up for its team photo back in 1921 in Winchester, Kentucky. 

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