Lucrative Box Office Hits That Studios Rejected

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1. Back to the Future: It’s hard to imagine a world without Back to the Future. The exploits of Marty McFly.

2. Forrest Gump: Forrest Gump is the tale of the Southern sweetheart that most of us know and love.

3. A Nightmare on Elm Street: Horror lovers the world over universally agree that Freddy Kruger is up there with the best villains of all time.

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4. The Lord of the Rings: Peter Jackson’s complete enthusiasm toward J.R.R. Tolkein’s Lord of the Rings can never be doubted. 

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5. Blade Runner: On paper, Blade Runner probably looks like an incredibly out-there pitch that should go over the audience’s heads.

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6. Spider-Man: The rights to Marvel’s infamous friendly neighborhood superhero Spider-Man.

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7. Pulp Fiction: These days Quentin Tarantino is revered as a creative visionary – one of the finest.

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8. Home Alone: Baby-faced McCaulay Culkin stole hearts and tickled funny bones as wisecracking Kevin McAllister in 1990.

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9. Star Wars: A New Hope: Star Wars without George Lucas simply isn’t Star Wars at all.

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10. The Lion King: The Lion King is one of Disney’s most beloved movies, telling the story of betrayal.

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11. The Exorcist: William Peter Blatty’s beloved book wasn’t for the faint of heart.

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12. Speed: Back in 1994, most of us knew Keanu Reeves as that guy from Bill and Ted. 

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13. The Sixth Sense: Bruce Willis has starred in so many hits over the years it’s hard to keep track.

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