Millennials Are Refusing To Buy Into These Industries

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1. Marriage: 100 years ago the world looked completely different, with the expectation of marriage being fairly absolute. 

2. Cable TV: It’s hard to understand how 77.6 million households in the US still have cable TV.

3. Business Suits: Flexible hours, working remotely, and the new awareness of work-life balance.

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4. Diamonds: Some will argue that the diamond industry is one of the greatest marketing successes of our time.

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5. Doorbells: The doorbell. Such a novel idea. It is quite remarkable how things that once were simply a natural.

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6. Department Stores: Things seem to change so slowly. Often we don’t even notice it happening. 

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7. Cereal: The old Kellogg’s get-up-and-go favorite has lost some popularity due to a shift in demand from millennials. 

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8. Golf: There was a time where exclusivity and ‘members-only’ meant something.

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9. American Cheese: The general trend across the board with the younger generation.

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10. Gyms: To say that gym as such is dying would be inaccurate. 

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11. Canned Tuna: Today, rather than eating canned goods, fresh food is always preferred. Fish is no exception to this rule. 

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12. Paper Napkins: Paper napkins are decreasing in popularity with cloth napkins being a more popular choice.

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13. Bulk Shopping: Consume less, create more. This is something that the younger generation is working towards.

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