Most Expensive Things Ever Sold on eBay

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1. Martian Meteorite: Owning your very own slice of outer space may seem like something that’s reserved.

2. The Town of Albert, TX: We’re quite used to seeing all sorts of strange things pop on the auction site. 

3. Honus Wagner Baseball Card: It goes without saying that baseball cards can be worth a fortune if they happen to be rare.

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4. All-Star Comics: Comic book fans across the world know that getting your hands on a rare edition can make a poor man into a rich man.

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5. Gigayacht: There are many things in life that most of us would love to own – if only we had the capital. 

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6. Shoeless Joe Jackson’s Baseball Bat: There are some names in baseball that are so revered.

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7. Elvis Presley’s Baby Grand Piano: Can you imagine getting your hands on an instrument that the King of Rock n’ Roll himself had once played.

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8. House With a War-Proof Bunker: The threat of war is never far away, with tensions often rising between nations.

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9. Black Lotus Magic Card: It’s amazing what mere pieces of paper can be worth when you really think about it.

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10. Gulfstream II: All of the richest celebrities in the world have their very own private jets.

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11. Ian Usher’s ‘Life: We’ve all had a clear out at home to see what we can sell at least once.

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12. Ferrari Enzo: Supercars aren’t cheap toys that you drive to and from work. They’re incredible investments.

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13. The Town of Bridgeville, CA: In 2002 the teeny tiny town of Bridgeville, CA made history. No, its residents didn’t make a prize-winning jam. 

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