Nature's warning signs before disaster strikes

Hailstones but no rain - The clouds that release hailstones but no rain tend to be associated with high winds that can churn out a tornado.

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Bulges or cracks in the ground outdoors - They could appear in the sidewalk, on the road, or on open ground, and they could indicate a landslide waiting to happen.

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Hair standing up - If you're outside and you notice your hair is standing up, it may indicate that a lightning storm is coming.

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Drooping leaves - Tree leaves droop and turn over in the breeze when a storm is coming, due to the sudden increase in humidity.

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Conically shaped funnel clouds - These clouds especially signal severe storms if you see one start to turn on its axis, as that could yield a tornado.

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A sudden rise in sea level - This sudden occurrence could indicate that a tsunami is coming your way, so it's best to head for higher ground.

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Insects slowing down- Some insects, like armyworm moths, cucurbit beetles, and potato aphids, react to an impending storm by becoming less active and saving energy.

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Low-hanging cloud strips - Known by meteorologists as inflow bands, these clouds indicate severe weather, which may even include a tornado.

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Unusual and repeated wave surges - When you see unusual swells crashing irregularly on the beach, this could mean that a tsunami is heading from the ocean towards the shore.

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Big white clouds in a clear blue sky - These cumulonimbus formations are often signals of a thunderstorm on its way.

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A wall (or pedestal) cloud - This large and often abrupt lowering of cloud, which develops beneath a cumulonimbus cloud, is primed for forming tornadoes.

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