Questions to ask yourself to discover your ideal career

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Pride - What have you done that makes you feel proud, and what skills did you exercise doing it?

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Hobbies - What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

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Dreams - What do you find yourself daydreaming about doing?

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Changing the world - If there were some things in the world that you could change, what would they be?

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Problem solving - What kinds of problems are you good at solving and enjoy working on?

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Other people - Looking to your friends or to people in general, what kind of careers inspire and appeal to you?

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Time spent - Does the time go faster when you're sitting at your computer? When you're with other people? Or something completely different?

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Applications and schools - Is the education that you may need to get realistically attainable?

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Peers - If you already have an education, what are the other people from your program doing in their careers?

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Salary - What kind of salary are you looking to earn?

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Overlapping interests - Is there a career or job that combines your multiple skills and interests?

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Experts - Have you spoken to people who are doing what you want to do?

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Goals and opportunities - What goals and opportunities exist that can help you get to where you want to go in your career?

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Society - How are other people's opinions affecting your career choice?

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The list - Have you made a list of pros and cons that could help you ween out some options that aren't optimal?

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Worrying - What keeps you awake at night? What is it that you worry about not doing?

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