The Most Incredible Hyperrealistic Illusion Cakes Ever Made

1. Watermelon Cake: Sometimes, the best cakes are the most simple ones – but don’t let that fool you. 

2. Raw Turkey Cake: If you came home and saw this on the kitchen counter.

3. Firewood Cake: What do you get for the carpenter that has everything.

4. Egg Carton CakeHave you ever wondered what an egg carton would look like as a cake.

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5. Reese’s Cake: Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups have been around for so long the company.

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6. Groceries Cake: A bag of groceries may not be the most thrilling thing to look at in the world.

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7. Celery Cake: Celery as a vegetable isn’t something that is widely loved. 

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8. Soapy Dish Sponge Cake: Who doesn’t want to tuck into a cake that looks exactly like a dirty dish sponge, right? 

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9. Ham Cake: Meat lovers rejoice. Now you can get a cake that looks just like meat, too.

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10. Chanel Purse Cake: If you can’t afford to treat your mom to the Chanel bag she wants and deserves, don’t panic.

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11. Wooden Duck Cake: Rewind a few decades and novelty phones were all the rage. 

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12. Lemon Cake: When life gives you lemons, don’t make lemonade – make cake.

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13. A Bag of Bagels: Bagels are highly popular for a reason. Not only do they come in different flavors.

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