The most peculiar parts about life in the '60s

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Fur hats - These over-the-top fur hats were all the rage.

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The bouffant hairdo - The 1960s had some memorable hairstyles like the bouffant, which involved teasing your hair into a kind of dome.

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Brightly colored shift dresses - The '60s loved bright colors and patterns, and so the decade took the design made famous in the 1920s and gave it new life.

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The paper dress - The paper dress was one of the least practical things to come out of the decade, made from disposable cellulose fabric.

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Capes - The cape was a must-have garment in the '60s for any woman who wanted to make a statement.

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Implausibly wide bell bottoms - Huge flares swept the world, and the streets, in the '60s.

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Backwards cardigans - This is how a cardigan should normally be worn, but women in the '60s got creative and started wearing them with the buttons on the back.

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Streaking - For some reason, running around butt naked became popular in the 1960s, from public areas to huge stadiums, and then sometimes to jail.

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The babydoll dress - Grown women dressing as children curiously became a trend at the same time as the women's movement.

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Go-go boots - The authentic go-go boot had to be white, mid-calf in length, and have low heels.

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Coffee for babies - Dr. Walter Sackett, in his 1962 book 'Bringing Up Babies,' reportedly recommended that six-month-old babies should drink coffee.

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