These Are The Brand Names Hidden Behind Generic Store Labels

1. Starbucks: Starbucks coffee has been around so long that it’s managed to solidify a reputation as a premium blend. 

2. Cinnamon Toast Crunch: Breakfast lovers go wild for General Mills’ Cinnamon Toast Crunch, but it’s not always a cheap product to buy.

3. Sara Lee: The former Tyson Foods company Sara Lee produces a ton of different products that end up on our shelves. 

4. Huggies: Busy moms and dads on the run often feel like they have to pay more to get better quality products for their children.

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5. Stacy’s Simply Naked Pita Chips: Pepsi-owned Stacy’s Simply Naked Pita Chips are the perfect addition to any party.

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6. Annie’s Homegrown Organic Macaroni: Macaroni and Cheese is a staple dish in many American households. Loved by college kids and grandparents.

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7. Girl Scout cookies: Girl Scout Cookies are such an important part of American tradition that families go wild for the sweet snacks.

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8. Barilla Marinara Sauce: Finding an authentic Italian marinara sauce can be tricky, especially when you’re shopping on a budget. 

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9. Four & Twenty Blackbirds: There’s nothing quite like a pecan pie to top off any occasion. Back in 2017, Amazon’s Whole Foods sold.

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10. Amy’s Organic Chili: Campbell’s makes chili, as do a variety of other brands. But, when it comes to vegetarian organic chili.

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11. Naked Juice Green Machine: Smoothies have always been popular, but over the past few years the health food trend has skyrocketed to a new level.

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12. Olive Garden’s Signature Italian salad dressing: Darden’s Olive Garden chain of restaurants lures diners.

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13. Snack Factory Dark Chocolate Crunch Pretzel Crisps: Nothing can top that salty/sweet combo, and when Trader Joe’s are selling the tasty snack.

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