Things you shouldn't do during a thunderstorm

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Forget the 30-30 rule - When observing lightning, it is recommended to count to 30. If thunder is heard before reaching 30, it is advisable to seek shelter indoors.

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Stay on the patio to watch - The National Weather Service advises individuals to avoid balconies, porches, and open garages, dugouts, or sheds for their safety.

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Have a shower - Lightning can pass through water pipes during a storm and pose an electrical danger when you are showering.

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Stay in uncovered areas - Standing under a tree offers no protection, and standing exposed should also be avoided. 

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Stand by a window - Windows and doors may include metal components that can conduct electricity. Standing too close or touching them may put you at risk of electrocution.

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Disconnect your devices - If the storm is already raging, unplugging devices increases your risk of electrocution. 

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Go swimming - Water, just like metal, has the ability to conduct electricity.

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Wash your hands - Sorry germophobes, but both metal pipes and water can conduct electricity, so running the tap runs the risk of being electrocuted.

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Keep your pets outdoors - As a responsible owner, ensure your furry friend stays indoors to protect them.

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Keep driving - Avoid contact with any metal objects inside the car, such as the steering wheel, gear shift, and seat belt buckle.

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Go outdoors right after a storm - The CDC advises following the 30-30 rule, which suggests waiting for 30 minutes after hearing the last thunder before going outside again.

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Forget to report fallen power lines - These sources remain dangerous and carry the risk of causing a fire.

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