Top 10 Deadliest Animals in Victoria

Tiger Snake:Their venom coagulates the blood and is highly neurotoxic, so seek immediate treatment if you have received a bite from one of these snakes.

Tiger Sharks:A tiger shark is one of the deadliest animals off the coast of Victoria. Their appetite and lack of “choosiness” when it comes to what they eat makes these oceanic predators a threat to beachgoers and swimmers.

Redback Spiders :Redback spiders can live inside buildings but are also found in the environment living under rocks, logs, or debris.

Kangaroos:There are four species of kangaroos, all of which inhabit Australia. Despite their cute appearance and bashful demeanor, they can be aggressive and attack humans. 

Great White Sharks :They are fast and powerful ambush predators that emerge from seemingly out of nowhere to attack their prey from below. Australia’s coasts are known hotspots for great white activity.

Eastern Brown Snake:The Eastern brown snake is present almost everywhere in Australia and in most ecological habitats. 

Copperhead Snake:The highlands copperhead is more common in eastern Victoria and lives mostly in open forests, woodlands, disturbed areas, and occasionally near water.

Bronze Whaler:This can cause issues with spearfishers with recent catches, as fish in distress or fresh catches will attract these sharks (and others).

Blue-ringed Octopus:Blue-ringed octopodes live along the southern coastline of Victoria and are amongst the most toxic animals in the ocean. 

Australian Magpies :These swooping scare tactics are usually just to scare away potential predators to their offspring, but sometimes it becomes something more.

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