Top 10 Douchebags of Rock

Ted Nugent: Ted Nugent's outspoken political views and inflammatory rhetoric have often sparked controversy.

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Scott Stapp (Creed: Scott Stapp's public struggles with substance abuse and erratic behavior have tarnished his reputation.

Marilyn Manson: Marilyn Manson's shock tactics, controversial lyrics, and provocative stage persona have made him a polarizing figure in the world of rock.

Liam Gallagher (Oasis: Liam Gallagher's brash and confrontational attitude, both on and offstage, has earned him a reputation as a rock 'n' roll bad boy.

Justin Bieber: Like Chris Brown, Justin Bieber is not strictly a rock artist, but his numerous run-ins with the law.

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Gene Simmons (KISS: Gene Simmons is known for his self-promotion and shameless commercialism, often prioritizing money over artistic integrity.

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Courtney Love (Hole: Courtney Love's tumultuous personal life, drug addiction, and erratic behavior have frequently landed her in the tabloids.

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Chris Brown: While not exclusively a rock artist, Chris Brown's history of violence and abusive behavior towards women has led many to view him unfavorably.

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Billy Corgan (Smashing Pumpkins: Billy Corgan's ego and perfectionism have earned him a reputation for being difficult to work with.

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Axl Rose (Guns N' Roses: Axl Rose is notorious for his diva-like behavior, frequent tardiness to concerts, and public feuds with bandmates.

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