Top 10 Incredible Pangolin Facts

1 : Pangolins are the only mammals wholly covered in scales. 20% of their bodies are made up of scales. This is why many people think of pangolins as reptiles, but they are mammals.

2 : The African black-bellied is the smallest pangolin, with a length of 12-16 inches (30–40cm). Its weight ranges from 3.5 to 5.5 pounds. 

3 : When extended, the pangolin’s tongue can reach 14 inches (40 cm). Its tongue is attached near its pelvis and the last pair of ribs, not in the mouth like most mammals.

4 : Pangolins quickly roll into a ball to protect their soft furry undersides when threatened. They also tuck their faces under the tail.

5 : Pangolins can walk on their hind legs while holding their front limbs and tail off the ground. Besides, they can still use their four limbs to walk. 

6 : Pangolins are shy, solitary animals who only come together to mate. Technically, mating only occurs at night when males and females meet near a watering hole. 

7 : They eat the larvae as well. These animals have a healthy diet since they only eat one or two species of insects, which is about 5 to 7 oz (140g-200g).

8 : The long-tailed pangolin (black-bellied pangolin) is among the few species of pangolin that stay active by day, while others are fast asleep and curled up into balls.

9 : Pangolins don’t have teeth. They also have poor vision and rely heavily on smell and hearing to locate prey.

10 : Pangolins are on the verge of extinction since their meat is considered a delicacy, and their scales are believed to cure several illnesses, particularly in China and Vietnam. 

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