Top 10 Most Dangerous Chemicals

VX (Venomous Agent X):VX varies in lethal dose depending on the route of poisoning, but on average, about six milligrams can be deadly to a human.

Tetrodotoxin:Most commonly associated with pufferfish, tetrodotoxin (TTX) is a neurotoxin. This chemical works to block sodium channels in the nerve membrane, leading to paralysis and death.

Strychnine:While strychnine was an ingredient in many over-the-counter products up until the 1980s, it has since been outlawed.

Ricin:Ricin poisoning can occur through consumption, injection, or inhalation. Symptoms of ricin poisoning include difficulty breathing, nausea, fluid buildup in the lungs, and death.

Potassium cyanide:Potassium cyanide poisoning can happen through inhalation or from contaminated food or water. Contact with the skin or eyes can lead to poisoning.

Maitotoxin:Maitotoxin acts by inducing a cell-death sequence by activating calcium channels, increasing the amount of calcium ions in the cells. 

Botulinum toxin:Botulinum toxins are one of the most dangerous and toxic chemicals known to man. Botulism is a disease from spore-producing bacteria that can lead to paralysis and death.

Batrachotoxin:Batrochotoxin is a product present on the skin of the poison dart frog and the skin and feathers of Pitohui birds. 

Arsenic Trioxide:Arsenic trioxide poisoning can occur through injection, inhalation, consumption, or even by absorption through the skin.

Amatoxin:This toxin is most characteristic of the death cap mushroom, or Amanita phalloides. Typically, consumption of this mushroom is due to mistaken identity for a safe and edible mushroom.

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