Top 10 Most Populated U.S. Capital Cities

Sacramento:Sacramento, California, has a population of around 529,946 people, making it the seventh most populous city in the state and one of the most populated capitals in the United States. 

Phoenix:Phoenix, Arizona, is the largest capital city in the U.S., with a population of around 1.65 million people as of 2024.

Oklahoma City:Oklahoma City has a population of approximately 702,837 in 2024. It is the capital of Oklahoma state, which was acquired during the Louisiana Purchase of 1803. 

Nashville:Nashville, Tennessee, is the seventh most populated capital city in the U.S., with a population of around 648,591 people.

Indianapolis:The Indianapolis Motor Speedway, where the Indy 500 takes place every year, is the largest sports facility on the planet.

Denver:Denver, Colorado, is the fifth most populated capital city in the U.S., with a population of around 693,279 people.

Columbus:Columbus, Ohio, is the third largest capital city in the U.S., with a population of around 908,534 people. The city was originally chosen as the state’s capital due to its central location.

Boston:Boston, Massachusetts, has a population of about 599,606 people. It is also one of the oldest cities in the U.S. and the largest city in New England.

Austin:Austin, Texas, has a 2024 population of 967,351 people. This massive city is located in Central Texas, on the eastern edge of the Southwest United States.

 Atlanta:Atlanta, Georgia, is the tenth most populated capital city in the U.S., with a population of around 487,203 people. 

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