Top 12 Types of Beetles in Texas

Stag Beetle:It is often black or brown, but a small number of species display an array of vivid hues, including metallic green and iridescent red.

Sap Beetle:Sap beetles are very tiny. They have broad, flattened bodies and big eyes. The last three segments of the short antennas are invariably clubbed.

Ox Beetle:Stout ox beetles have a lot of hair on their belly. Since they are nocturnal, they are typically observed at night and are entirely dark brown.

Oil Beetle:One variety of blister beetle is the oil beetle. Cantharidin is a caustic chemical that this beetle species can release from its abdomen. 

Leaf Beetles:One of the biggest and most widespread beetle families is the Chrysomelidae, which has over 37,000 species in over 2,500 genera. 

June Beetle:Texas is home to more than 100 scarab beetle species, also known as white grubs, May beetles, or June bugs. 

Ironclad Beetle: It needs that thick shell to help it retain water because it spends most of its time in the desert. Ironclad beetles reside in northern Mexico and east and central Texas. 

Ground Beetle:They move quickly when startled. They hunt for prey at night, and some species are drawn to lights. 

Flour Beetle:The confused and red flour beetles are nearly identical, measuring about 3/16 inches long with flattened bodies that are well-suited to burrowing into small gaps.

Dung Beetle:They bury or consume a large portion of the residual animal feces, which has various positive environmental effects.

Carpet Beetle:Texas is home to tiny, colorful insects known as carpet beetles. Some are completely dark, and some have black, brown, and white spotted patterns. 

Boll Weevil :The adults range in size from 1/8 to approximately 1/2 inches long, are fuzzy, brown to grayish brown, and have pronounced snouts bearing the mouthparts. 

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