Top 12 Well-Known Animals That Are Omnivores

Turtles:Turtles and tortoises in the wild eat a varied omnivorous diet. They consume fruit, leafy greens, fungi, grains, insects, snails, slugs, worms, amphibians, fish, crustaceans, and aquatic vegetation.

Raccoons:Raccoons are opportunistic omnivores, meaning they will eat whatever is available and convenient. 

Pigs:Pigs are naturally omnivores. In the wild, they spend much of their time foraging for plants, like bulbs, leaves, and roots.

Peacocks:The peacock, or peafowl, forages for a variety of food on the ground. They eat insects, grains, plants, reptiles, berries, seeds, flowers, fruits, and small mammals.

Ostriches:Ostriches primarily eat plant matter but will also consume animals. Their diet consists of seeds, roots, plants, fruits, beans, insects, lizards, snakes, rodents, carrion.

Monkeys:Most monkeys are omnivores that spend much of their time foraging for a variety of foods. Contrary to what cartoons depict, monkeys don’t only eat bananas. 

Crows:Crows use their olfactory system, like many animals, to find food. But they are also extremely resourceful and can use tools, like sticks, to seek food. 

Coyotes: These omnivores consume a large variety of foods, including insects, rabbits, deer, garden produce, amphibians, fish, reptiles, birds, sheep, bison, moose.

Cockroaches:Cockroaches are another animal that will eat pretty much anything, which is why they are one of the most common household pests. 

Chipmunks:Chipmunks are widely known for their propensity to consume large quantities of nuts, storing them in their big, round cheeks. But they actually have a varied diet. 

Bears:They eat berries, nuts, grasses, shoots, leaves, and grains. But they also consume fish, insects, birds, small mammals, deer, moose, and carcasses.

Badgers:While badgers are considered omnivores, 80% of their diet is comprised of earthworms. These feisty mammals can eat hundreds of earthworms in one night. 

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