Ways to Save Time and Money While Cleaning Your Home

1. Dry Clothes Faster: You rush to throw it in the dryer but even that takes too long. The stress of running late can be so unbearable.

2. Remove Stains with Black Tea: Windows and mirrors can be deceivingly tricky to clean properly. They end up looking dirtier than before.

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3. Clean Cast Iron with Salt: Cleaning cast iron pans is a delicate balance between not wanting to scratch the surface.

4. Use a Sock for Blinds: Cleaning blinds is one of those tasks we leave and try to turn a blind eye towards until we can’t stand.

5. Get Rid of Mattress Stains: There are enormous benefits to using a mattress protector over and above protecting the little ones from accidents. 

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6. Use Vinegar in Your Dishwasher: Dishwashers are a luxury that save so much time and prevent many arguments about who’s turn it is.

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7. Clean Your Blender In Minutes: How many times have you wanted to make a smoothie but not because you can’t be bothered to clean the bits.

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8. Use a Seam Ripper on Your Vacuum: This might be one of the worst areas in the whole house to clean, the vacuum cleaner itself. 

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9. Get Red Wine Stains Out With White Wine: Wine stains are the worst for two reasons: first, they are really hard to get out.

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10. Clean Your Computer with a Coffee Filter: TV and computer screens are dust magnets, and that dust tends to be difficult to clean. 

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11. Use a Pillowcase to Clean Your Fans: Cleaning ceiling fans is one of those jobs that are so tricky and messy.

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12. Tie a Plastic Bag On Your Shower Head: Mineral build-up on our showerheads is a common problem.

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13. Mayonnaise to Remove Sticker Residue: There are few things as annoying as trying to get a sticker off a glass container.

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