Amazing Facts About Dalmatians: Top 9 Countdown

1 : Most Dalmatians do not have black spots when they are born. Now that’s surprising, right?!

2 : You probably think of a black-spotted dog when you hear “Dalmatian,” right? So do we! But not all Dalmatians have black spots.

3 :  Hundreds of thousands of people watched the movie and became immensely fond of Dalmatians.

4 : 1375 is the year of the first written information mentioning a Dalmatian dog, referring to it by the name Canis Dalmaticus. 

5 : The Dalmatians had no other purpose in the field when steam and diesel engines appeared, as firefighters no longer needed horses.

6 : Besides being famous for its beers, the Budweiser is known worldwide thanks to its Clydesdale parades.

7 : Dalmatians usually give birth to six to nine puppies. In 2019, though, Melody, a Dalmatian from Australia, gave birth to 19 puppies! It’s officially a world record! 

8 : Scientists affirm that this problem is caused by the absence of melanocytes (melanin-producing cells located throughout the body, including in the inner ear) in the dog’s inner ear. 

9 : Hyperuricemia is an inheritable gene. The only possible solution to get rid of this disease in purebred Dalmatians is cross-breeding. 

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