Bodybuilders who became successful actors

Dave Bautista: Dave Bautista had a successful career as a professional wrestler. 

Dave Bautista: Fast forward a few years and he became a successful actor, best known for his role.

Reg Park: Reg Park is a bodybuilding legend, who is still regarded by many as the greatest of all time.

Reg Park: Park's exceptional physique helped him land the role of Hercules in several movies during the 1960s.

David Prowse: The British weightlifter and bodybuilder got noticed for his height and imposing physique.

David Prowse: Prowse starred in several movies, including 'A Clockwork Orange' (1971).

Steve Reeves: A legendary bodybuilder, Reeves soon started working in the movie industry. 

Steve Reeves: Reeves paved the way for other bodybuilders such as Arnold Schwarzenegger to get into Hollywood. 

Gordon Scott: Gordon Scott's impressive physique helped him land his most iconic role: Tarzan. 

Gordon Scott :From 1955 to 1960, the actor played the fictional character in six movies.

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