Celebrities reveal their favorite songs

Rihanna - Riri loves Bob Marley. 'Redemption Song' is one of her favorite songs.

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Leonardo DiCaprio - The Hollywood star likes his soul classics and 'Sittin' On the Dock of the Bay' by Otis Redding is his favorite.

Blake Lively - The actress is one of those "responsible" for the success of 'Happy' by Pharrell Williams—she absolutely loves it.

Drew Barrymore - The actress chose Peter Bjorn & John's 'Young Folks' as one of her favorites.

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Gordon Ramsay - The chef and presenter lists 'Yellow' by Coldplay as one of his favorites.

Simon Cowell - The music mogul lists 'Mack the Knife' by Bobby Darin as one of his favorite songs.

Jennifer Lawrence - The actress lists Queen's 'Another One Bites the Dust' as her favorite song while growing up. Lawrence is also really into The Black Keys.

Angelina Jolie - The actress is a big fan of 'Know Your Rights' by the British punk rockers, The Clash. In fact, one of her famous tattoos was inspired by this song.

Natalie Portman - The actress loves Michael Jackson, 'Ben' being one of her favorites.

Serena Williams - ESPN lists 'MMMBop' by Hanson as the tennis star's favorite song.

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