Creepiest Spiders in Mexico You Should Know About

 Spiny-backed Orbweaver :Spiny-backed orbweavers create circular webs and live in woodlands, gardens, and other vegetated habitats.

Red Kneed Tarantula:The Mexican red knee tarantula is a name held by two spiders found in Mexico, which are B. smithi, and B. hamorii. 

Golden Silk Orbweaver:Golden silk orbweavers are among Mexico’s most terrifying spiders but are also among the most elegant. This spider, like other orbweavers, builds large circular webs to inhabit.

False Black Widow Spider:The false black widow is a member of the Steatoda genus, regularly confused with black widows or other Latrodectus spiders.

Brown Widow:The brown widow spider is one of the few spiders in the Latrodectus genus found in Mexico. This species prefers tropical and subtropical regions.

Woodlouse Hunter:Woodlouse spiders have recently been reported in several regions of Mexico, like Baja California, Nuevo Leon, Hidalgo, and many more. 

Mexican Wandering Spider :A nocturnal species, the Mexican wandering spider is one of the recently discovered spiders only found in Mexico.

Green Lynx Spiders:Green lynx spiders are not dangerous to humans and are beneficial to have in gardens and other places since they feed on pest insects like worms. 

Mexican Jade Fuego :First described in 1995 by Andrew Smith, the Mexican jade fuego tarantula is also called the North American cobalt blue.

Desert Recluse :This spider is one of the most terrifying spiders in Mexico, with a leg span of up to 2 inches.

Ravine Trapdoor Spider:Ravine trapdoor spiders have robust bodies, with dark brown, to black coloring.

Mexican Pink Tarantula:Mexican pink tarantulas, while terrifying spiders to some, are also beautiful spiders kept as pets.

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