Food favorites that may soon be extinct

Chicken - A third of chicken breeds are on the verge of extinction due to climate change and diseases.

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Apples - Apple trees are being affected by global warming. They need a certain amount of winter chill, which is no longer as feasible due to the rising temperatures.

Rice - Rice is a food staple in many cultures and cuisines around the world. Unfortunately, climate change is also expected to greatly affect yields.

Peaches - Peaches are another stone fruit that are vulnerable to radically changing temperatures.

Honey - Bees are a pest, we can all agree. But they are the producers of honey! With the bee population in decline, we may soon have to get used to a world without the sweet stuff.

Cranberries - Bees also pollinate fruits like cranberries so a decline in the population puts cranberries, among many other foods, in jeopardy.

Beans - Sadly, beans are another food staple we may soon have to do without. Climate change and increasing temperatures may decrease yields by as much as 25%.

Cereal grains - The volatile and unpredictable weather will have an affect on grain-growing croplands and even render them obsolete.

Pumpkin - Extreme weather and climate change is heavily affecting yields of pumpkin crops. They'll either rot or premature.

Bread - Wheat in general may not survive the catastrophic climate changes so start prepping for a life without your favorite carb.

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