Funniest sayings from around the world

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"I'm not hanging noodles on your ears" - This is the Russian version of the idiom "I'm not pulling your leg." The meaning is the same.

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"To bang your butt on the ground" - This French idiom is similar to the acronym ROFL ("rolling on the floor laughing").

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"To make kittens" - This may sound romantic, but in fact in Italian it is used to describe vomiting.

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"Wiggle your bucket" - In Mexico, when someone wants to "wiggle their bucket" with you, they just want to have a dance.

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"Stop climbing on my head" - In Arabic, this phrase means "stop annoying me." We think it's pretty accurate at describing the feeling of being irritated!

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"To fart higher than your bottom" - The French have hit the nail on the head with this one. It applies to someone who is being snooty or posh.

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"Like eyebrows on fire" - To be likened to flaming brows in Mandarin means that something is very urgent.

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"To go to the pineapple" - Strangely, in the Dominican Republic, this saying means "to fight."

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"To not put clothes on one's teeth" - In Japan, people use this phrase like anglophones use the saying "tell it like it is."

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"Ear-nectar" - In India, "ear-nectar" means a very enjoyable sound or noise, similar to the English phrase "music to my ears."

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"To walk around in hot porridge" - In Czech, this saying means "to beat around the bush."

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"To have other cats to whip" - While in English you have "other fish to fry," the French "have other cats to whip." Both are clearly not animal friendly...

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