How to build self-esteem and confidence in teens

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Promote self-improvement - To promote self-improvement in your teen, help them discover their strengths and their weaknesses. 

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Praise effort instead of outcome - Rather than praise your teen for getting a good grade on an exam, praise them for all the studying they did.

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Encourage new opportunities - Encourage your teen to join a new club, play a musical instrument, or find a part-time job. This will help them feel better about themselves.

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Show them the value of helping - As a parent, seek out volunteer opportunities for your teen. It truly provides them with a chance to feel useful and to do good.

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Model confidence - Learn how to demonstrate the importance of loving yourself. Also, talk to your teen about the things you've done to help build your own confidence.

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Help develop positive self-talk - Teach your teen to develop healthy self-talk, and how to reframe irrational thoughts with something realistic.

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Listen - Keep the relationship with your teen strong and build their self-worth by listening to what your child is saying.

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Love unconditionally - It's important to let them know that you love them no matter what, and that you can both make mistakes.

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Make room for failure - When you teach your kid to view failures as learning experiences, they can then overcome obstacles in their paths.

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Support their interests - Encourage your teens to explore their interests and passions. Understand that it might take them some time to figure out what they really like.

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Stay connected - Make time to be with your teen. When you do so, you strengthen the bond you have with each other.

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