Inspiring songs about peace

Green Day - 'Holiday' (2004) - Disillusionment with the political climate, wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and conservative politics inspired Green Day's rebellious wake-up song 'Holiday.'

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Jackie DeShannon - 'What the World Needs Now Is Love' (1965) - DeShannon's 1965 song has been covered by numerous artists over the years, and the message remains as relevant as ever.

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2Pac feat. Talent - 'Changes' (1998) - "And still I see no changes, can't a brother get a little peace? There's war in the streets and war in the Middle East," Tupac Shakur lamented.

Patti Smith - 'People Have the Power' (1988) - Written by Patti Smith and her late partner Fred "Sonic" Smith, 'People Have the Power' is one of the most powerful protest songs of all time.

The Eagles - 'I Wish You Peace' (1975) - A song about love, friendship, and goodwill, 'I Wish You Peace' has a simple yet profound message.

Lenny Kravitz - 'We Want Peace' (2004) - The purpose of 'We Want Peace' was to motivate people to protest the invasion of Iraq. 

Michael Jackson - 'Heal the World' (1991) - 'Heal the World' is a song about coming together to create a better world through love, kindness, and empathy. 

Bob Marley - 'No More Trouble' (1978) - This Bob Marley song is a rallying cry for peace and equality. It calls for an end to discrimination, violence, and socio-political unrest.

Anti-Flag – '911 For Peace' (2002) - The song advocates for peace and tolerance between people and calls for a stop to the senseless killing that has become common in the world.

Matisyahu – 'One Day' (2009) - 'One Day' is a song of hope for an end to violence, and a prayer for a new era of peace and understanding. 

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