Things humans do that dogs hate

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Bathing them too often - In general, dogs aren't very fond of baths, especially if bath time is often. 

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Not letting them catch a toy - If you're playing catch with your dog, but don't actually let them catch the toy, then you're creating a lot of anxiety.

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Ignoring them when you come home - Your dog has been alone all day and misses you. Even if you're tired, give your dog some attention—they need it.

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Leaving them alone - A lot of dogs hate being left alone all day. 

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Having their paw pads touched- These pads are the thick, rubbery part of the dog's paw. It's a super sensitive area for them, so touching them can be uncomfortable.

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When you're tense or in a bad mood - When you're tense or in a bad mood, your dog often acts as a mirror and feels the same way. 

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Loud environments - From loud voices to vacuum cleaners and fireworks, everything loud will truly frighten and disturb your dog.

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Having their nails trimmed - Some dogs will tolerate having their nails trimmed, but most dogs really don’t like it. 

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Keeping them bored - Dogs need a certain amount of mental stimulation on a daily basis. If keep your furry companion bored, then their psychological health may suffer.

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Smooching their snout - While kissing is a sign of affection for humans, planting a giant smooch on a dog's snout and forehead can cause problems. 

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Focusing on their head- While you might think it's a sign of affection, don't tap your dog on the head. This form of interaction brings about uncomfortable feelings in dogs.

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Teasing them - Teasing them with food and never letting them have it may leave your dog with serious behavioral problems.

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Treating them like babies - Treating your dog like a baby is incredibly irritating. 

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