What makes you attractive to others

Smells - Not only are we attracted to other people’s smells on an individual basis, but some people’s smells are more attractive than others in general, too.

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Hormones - Women smell better to men when they have high estrogen and low progesterone levels (indicating high fertility).

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Diet - It’s been shown that men who have a diet high in fresh produce smell more attractive to women.

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Health - If people are healthy, they will generally smell better too.

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Immune systems - We are attracted to people who have different immune responses to us and kissing allows us to get a sense of this. 

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Fertility - Fertility can affect how women’s voices sound too.

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Women's voices - Men rate women’s voices as more attractive when the women's progesterone levels were low and estrogen levels were high.

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Men with low voices - Just before women start ovulating, they are more attracted to men with lower voices.

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Hormonal balance - Our hormonal balances may play a bigger role than we think in who we become attracted to.

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Dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin - When you're attracted to another person, your brain releases dopamine, and oxytocin is produced, and your serotonin levels increase.

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"Feel good chemicals" - These "feel good chemicals" are what make us feel good around someone, inducing feelings of safety, warmth, and comfort.

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Serotonin - Attraction is also driven by the release of serotonin, which is the happy hormone. Hugging and sexual contact releases oxytocin, the love hormone.

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Quality time- Attraction is generally increased by spending a lot of time with someone and physical touch (when it is welcome, of course) also tends to speed up the process.

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Kindness - Kindness makes people more attractive, which makes a lot of sense. It makes people more likable.

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The photograph test - Putting positive characteristics against someone’s photograph makes them appear better looking to other people.

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Men - In men, attractiveness is perceived (in part) positively by masculinity, symmetry, and averageness, and negatively by adiposity (being overweight or obese).

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Women - In women, attractiveness is affected positively by femininity and negatively by adiposity.

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