10 ways to lose your weight quickly

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1 - Wake up earlier - Setting your alarm just one or two hours earlier can have real effects on your weight.

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2 - Eat eggs for breakfast - According to obesity studies, beginning the day with eggs helps you shed excess pounds, more so than foods which are high in carbs.

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3 - Stay hydrated - Drinking two cups of water before mealtimes can help you lose weight.

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4 - Avoid desserts - Reducing the amount of sugar in each meal can have some real benefits.

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5 - Eat garlic - Adding garlic to your dishes is a great way to lose weight. 

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6 - Watch what you eat - According to a study by Brown University, individuals who had the best weight loss results always thought about what they were eating.

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7 - Keep cool - Maintaining a stable temperature of 18 degrees in your home can trigger thermogenesis, which accelerates the burning of fat in the human body.

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8 - Don't drink diet soda - Drinking soft drinks can hinder your weight loss.

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9 - Resist temptation - It might seem difficult, but try to limit your consumption of foods high in fat and sugar, and your chances of losing weight will greatly increase.

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10 - Eat grapefruit - Begin your morning with some refreshing grapefruit and it'll help you lost weight.

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