Amazing movie locations you can visit

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Indiana Beach, Oregon - All four 'Twilight' films were filmed near this beach and in other locations in Oregon.

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Mount Ngauruhoe, New Zealand - New Zealand was the backdrop for 'The Lord of the Rings' and 'The Hobbit.' Some of the sets are still intact and can be visited by fans.

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Ko Phi Phi Lee - A film from 'The Beach' by Alex Garland was shot on this island.

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Glencoe, Scotland - Glencoe was used for scenes in 'Skyfall,' the 23rd film in the James Bond franchise.

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Katz's deli, New York - Meg Ryan recorded one of her most iconic scenes in this deli, for 'When Harry Met Sally.'

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Kauai, Hawaii - Lots of scenes from 'Jurrasic Park' were shot here, including the memorable helicopter arrival.

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Kings Canyon, California - 'The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert' was filmed in several locations, most notably Kings Canyon.

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Görlitz, Germany - 'Grand Budapest Hotel' was filmed in Görlitz, the most western city in Germany.

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Glasgow, Scotland - 'Trainspotting' takes place in Edinburgh but was almost completely shot in Glasgow.

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Cape Ann, Massachussetts - Several towns were used to film 'Manchester By The Sea,' including Essex, Rockport, Gloucester, Beverly and Manchester-by-the-sea itself.

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Chatsworth House, Derbyshire, England - Chatsworth House served as Darcy's house in 2005's 'Pride and Prejudice.'

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Vancouver, Canada - '50 Shades of Grey' takes place in Seattle, but most of it was filmed in Vancouver.

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