Boomers, Zoomers, Millennials

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Silent Generation - Birth year between 1928 to 1945 these generation grew up marked by World War II and its consequences.

Baby Boomer -  Year of birth between 1946 & 1964 this generation is called 'baby boomers' - there were a lot of them at the same time.

Generation X - Year of birth between 1965 & 1980 marks a transition to the digital society while still having strong roots in the analogue one.

Generation Y - Birth year between 1981 & 1996 the so-called Millennials, far from what many people think, are already beginning to enter their 40s. 

Stars are in the Same Generation - Boomers, Zoomers, Millenials, Gen X, Alphas...the terms for defining the generations can become a little bit confusing.

Gen Z - Birth year between 1997 & 2012 this generation was born in a globalized world where distances are increasingly shorter and the Internet.

Alpha Generation - Birth year between early 2010s & mid 2020s called Alpha because the Latin alphabet ends with Gen Z & Greek alphabet marks a new beginning.

Silent Generation - Pope Francis is unusual to see a youthful pope like the one played by Jude Law in 'The Young Pope', but the vitality of Jorge Mario Bergoglio.

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