Confessions of a cleaner: their worst discoveries

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No, thank you - A row of adult toys neatly arranged on a table with a note saying "please wash :)"

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Kawaii - An adult man's bedroom packed from floor to ceiling with Hello Kitty merchandise.

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Toy box of nightmares - A box full of doll heads. Assuming the person wasn't a toymaker, that's just creepy...

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House party - A miniature doll house brothel, complete with dolls arranged in sexual positions.

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Top tips - A jewelry box full of women's fingernails. Creepy, creepy, creepy!

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Ouch - A collection of voodoo dolls full of pins. In that moment, you just don't want to find yourself among them!

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Dead pigeon society - A taxidermy pigeon collection. If you can't stand pigeons, you probably won't like dead ones either...

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Keep it in the closet - A bookshelf with a lever that opened to reveal a kinky dungeon. Actually, a lot of people might find that ingenious.

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Very fishy - A collection of fish heads mounted on plaques, the way you'd normally display a deer head.

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What's the secret password? - A speakeasy Prohibition-era bar hidden behind a staircase. Now that's just cool!

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Oversharing - One family liked to hang a lot of artwork and family photos on the walls. Some of these photos were graphic images of the births of their daughters.

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The more the merrier? - One afternoon a housekeeper arrived to find the homeowners drunk and giving each other piggyback rides in the living room.

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Front-row view - Imagine arriving outside the home and seeing the client running around naked through the glass front door. Yup, that happened to at least one cleaner.

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