Daily habits that might be harming your brain

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Brain cells - Several scientific studies have shown that everyday habits can damage our brain cells, and contribute to the development of degenerative diseases.

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Drinking too much coffee - Caffeine inhibits a neurotransmitter that acts as a natural tranquilizer, causing insomnia.

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Enjoying a smoke - The nicotine found in cigs damages your brain by restricting blood flow and comprising the flow of glucose and oxygen.

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Sleep deprivation - Depriving yourself of sleep accelerates the death of brain cells, making you feel tired and irritable.

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Canned tuna - When consumed excessively, tuna can greatly increase the levels of mercury in the body, which has a negative impact on mental health.

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Spending hours in front of the computer - This activity is harmful to mental health, as it compromises the brain's normal functioning.

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Aggression and stress - Stress causes a reduction in mental capacity and increases the risk of stroke and heart attack.

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Sodas - Daily consumption of soda can accelerate cognitive decline, in addition to causing neurological disorders and memory loss.

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Diet sodas are even worse - Diet sodas are even worse because of the added artificial sugars. Most sweeteners can cause brain damage and interfere with cognitive ability.

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Salt and salty foods - Excessive consumption of refined salt and salty foods can lead to memory loss and difficulty carrying out common mental tasks.

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Sugar and processed foods - The predominance of refined sugars, white flours, fried foods, and processed meats in our diets interfere with neurological development.

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Pollution - The brain needs oxygen. Toxic substances can interfere with the transport of oxygen into cells, reducing brain efficiency and triggering headaches.

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Overeating - Consuming more food than we need results in the accumulation of fat and the hardening of cerebral arteries.

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Eat fruit and vegetables - Eat these foods as often as possible, as they stimulate brain activity.

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