Emergency drills you should practice with your kids

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In the event of an emergency - In the event of an emergency, it's important that everyone in the family knows what to do and where to go. 

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The benefit of drills - Drills are a great way to teach your kids what to do in the event of an emergency. 

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Fire - Fire drills are a good place to start, because your kids should be familiar with them from school.

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Fire - The main aim of the drill is to teach your kids how to get out of the house if it’s on fire. 

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Fire - If you have very young kids, bear in mind that firefighters might look scary with all their gear. Expose them to images beforehand, so they're prepared.

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Natural disaster - Tornado and/or earthquake drills are a good idea, even if you do not live in an area prone to these sorts of natural disasters.

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Natural disaster- Before doing the drill, show your kids some videos on storm safety, and make sure they know how to respond in the event of an earthquake.

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Natural disaster - Then, when they are least expecting it, start a drill to check their understanding. 

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Car accident - It is also important that kids know what to do if they are in a car accident. 

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Car accident - Teach your kids that in the event of an accident, if there is an adult who can give them instructions, they should always comply.

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Intruder - Parents tend to spend a lot of time protecting their homes against intruders, which includes teaching their kids not to open the door to strangers.

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Intruder - If your kids become aware that someone is trying to force their way into your home, they should leave via another door as quickly as possible.

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Intruder - Teach them, too, that if they can’t leave the house, they should hide and call 911.

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First aid - It is also a good idea for kids to learn basic first aid. 

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First aid - It is also possible for kids to learn CPR and use it effectively. In fact, this is something that everyone should learn.

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Social situations - Finally, consider walking your kids through what they might do in social situations in which they feel pressured to do something they don’t want to do.

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Social situation-A lot of the time parents tell their kids not to drink, for example, but they don’t tell them, with actual words, how to say no if the situation does arise.

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