Everyday Products That Could Be Harming Your Health

1. Plastic Food Containers: Tupperware comes in so many different shapes and sizes to fit our every need.

2. Antibacterial Soap: Antibacterial soap is a wonderful invention that changed the health industry for good.

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3. Hot Sauce: Hot sauce has been popular for decades, but with more and more concoctions.

4. Flea Treatments: Having a furry friend at home is a huge comfort to many people.

5. Dryer Sheets: Popping a dryer sheet into your laundry as it dries is a great way to pick up any stray lint.

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6. Laundry Pods: Having fresh, clean clothes is something many of us take for granted.

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7. Children’s Bubble Bath: Parents want their little ones to be clean and smell lovely as much as possible.

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8. Candles: Scented candles can often be found decorating shelves and bathroom sides.

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9. Plastic Wrap: According to the World Health Organization, PVC and PVDC.

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10. Electric Toothbrushes: According to PLOS One, a dental journal, a 2017 study confirmed that electric toothbrushes.

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11. Cotton Swabs: Be careful cleaning your ears with cotton swabs.

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12. Teething Gel: You should know that teething gel is never a good idea.

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13. Anti-Aging Products: Anti-aging products attract a lot of attention because they are cheaper than surgery.

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