How to use technology mindfully

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The numbers - A study showed that the average person touches their phone 2,617 times per day. That includes all of our taps, swipes, and clicks.

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T.I.M.E. -A team of neurologists and physicians have come up with a four-step system called T.I.M.E. to help technology addicts (i.e. everyone) become more mindful!

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T: Time - Our access to technology is usually instant and unlimited, so it can be easy to lose track of yourself!

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T: Time - You can set a timer on your phone to alert you when your time is up. It's easy to go down the rabbit hole and lose track.

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I: Intentional - You may turn to your phone to see if your friend has replied to confirm your dinner plans, or read an important news article. 

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I: Intentional - If you're simply scrolling through social media, ask yourself why and consider if you gain anything by doing this.

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M: Mindfulness - Are you mindful while you're online? Do you stay on task or do you get distracted by ads or messages that pop up?

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E: Experience - We often use technology for fulfilling and worthwhile experiences, like connecting with people and educating ourselves. 

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E: Experience - It can help to view each time you use your phone as an experience rather than a mindless activity.

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Practical steps - Here are a few more practical steps you can take to limit your access to technology and be more present. 

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Technology-free room - If you're not living in a studio apartment, try to keep at least one room technology-free.

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One device at a time - Try to limit yourself to using one device at a time. This can be tricky!

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One device at a time - If you catch yourself doing this, try to evaluate which is necessary and more meaningful to you and choose one.

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Social ban - Try not to take your phone out in social settings. It's important to be present with the people you're actually with.

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Social media - Social media doesn't have to be all bad. It connects people and can be a source of inspiration and joy depending on how you curate your feed.

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Sleep hygiene - Put your phone down before you get in bed. Sleep hygiene is so important for a peaceful mind and a good night's sleep.

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Sleep hygiene - Try creating a wind-down routine for yourself before bed that doesn't involve technology.

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