Humorous facts to bring you cheer today

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Differing dolphins - Dolphins have different names to identify each other.

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Awesome! - Initially, Facebook developers considered naming the "Like" button the "Awesome" button.

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Best friends - Cows select a best buddy, and then dedicate the majority of their time to each other.

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Pricklish - A group of hedgehogs is called a prickle.

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Ticklish - Rats and mice are ticklish creatures, and they even emit sounds akin to laughter when tickled.

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Fluffy creatures - A group of bunnies is called a fluffle!

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Human instinct - Blind individuals smile when they experience joy, even though they may have never visually witnessed a smile, as it's an inherent human instinct.

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Jedi fans - During the 2011 census in the Czech Republic, over 15,000 individuals declared they followed the "Jedi" religion.

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Bubbles! - The word "bubbles" is practically impossible to say with an angry tone. Try it!

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Sea horse bond - Sea horses have an extraordinary bond–they not only form lifelong partnerships, but also traverse the underwater world by grasping each other's tails.

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Revitalize - Viagra has the surprising ability to extend the lifespan of freshly cut flowers by up to a week compared to their usual duration!

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Love hormone - Embracing or cuddling assists in accelerating wound healing thanks to the secretion of oxytocin, often referred to as the "love hormone."

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