Movies that inspired TV shows

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'The Karate Kid' - Thirty-four years later, Daniel LaRusso and archrival Johnny Lawrence make a comeback in the series 'Cobra Kai.'

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'Terminator' - 'Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles' debuted in 2008 and the story is set after 'Terminator 2: Judgment Day.'

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'The Exorcist' - The 1973 horror classic inspired a sequel series with the same name in 2016.

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'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' - The TV series was actually more successful than the movie starring Kristy Swanson and the late Luke Perry. 

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'Indiana Jones' - A prequel to the films, called 'The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles,' aired in 1992.

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'Planet of the Apes' - This 1968 movie was the inspiration for a TV show with the same name that debuted in 1974.

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'The Crow' - The 1994 film starring Brandon Lee inspired  Canadian supernatural drama TV show 'The Crow: Stairway to Heaven.'

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'The Omen' - In 2016, the series 'Damien' debuted on TV.

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'Blade' - The 1998 film starring Wesley Snipes inspired the 2006 TV show 'Blade: The Series.' The show is a sequel to the movie 'Blade: Trinity.'

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'Fargo' - The 1996 Coen brothers' movie also inspired a series with the same name. It was released in 2014.

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'Honey, I Shrunk the Kids' - Based on the original movie, 'Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show' was also a success.

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