Perfectly-timed photos of animals defying gravity

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Frog - A frog's capacity for leaping and jumping varies depending on the size and species. On average, these animals can jump between 20 to 50 times their body length!

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Cat - We're not quite sure what this kitten is seeing, but he sure is going for it with all his might!

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Penguin - Who said penguins can't fly? Surely this one looks like he is!

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Dog - Dog frisbee should be an Olympic sport, right? This pooch would certainly be on the team!

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Gazelle - We've all these elegant creatures running away from predators such as lions in the African savannah. Adults can reach speeds of 50 mph (80 km/h).

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Badger - A hover badger looks as funny and bizarre as it sounds. It's really cute though. 

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Lynx - This lynx cub is putting his hunting instincts to the test, and he sure does look adorable doing so. 

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Kangaroo - Australia's most famous marsupials can hop about 10 feet (3 meters) vertically and 40 feet (12 meters) horizontally.

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Lamb - Counting sheep (usually jumping over a fence) is a great way to fall asleep. This adorable little lamb is already training for it.

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Squirrel - Squirrels are impressive jumpers. Some of them can reach distances of up to 20 feet (6m)!

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Shark - What is scarier than a shark? A jumping shark, of course! All of a sudden, a boat doesn't feel as safe, right?

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Goats - "C'mon kid, let's jump around! Jump up, jump up and get down!"

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Mountain lion - How graceful does this mountain lion look mid-air? These large cats are also known as cougars and pumas.

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