Romantic Stories of Star Couples 

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Blake Lively & Ryan Reynolds - The actors met first at the shooting of 'Green Lantern' and saw each other again a year later, on a double date.

Beyoncé & Jay-Z - They met at several concerts, then they recorded 'Crazy in Love' together, and since then they have been showbiz's hottest set.

David & Victoria Beckham - The stars met for the first time at an airport where the Manchester United team was waiting on their flight. 

Deborra-Lee Furness & Hugh Jackman - They met on the set of the Australian series 'Correlli,' Hugh Jackman was 20 years old and Deborra 33.

Star Couple Romantic Stories - In Hollywood many of stars couple their romantic stories surprising everyone how they met and engage in life.

Amal & George Clooney - George & Amal exchanged e-mails with the excuse of sending each other some photos, and eventually, they met again in London

Will Smith & Jada Pinkett Smith - They met 1990 when she auditioned to play his girlfriend in 'The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.' It was an important audition.

Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt - The actors met on the set of 'Mr. and Mrs. Smith,' where they played an assassins couple Brad Pitt was married.

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