Signs you're stuck in a dead-end job

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You do the same thing every day - Your routine never changes and you will probably be doing the same thing a few years down the line.

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Static - You feel like there’s nothing going on in your career, other than doing the same tasks day in and day out.

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No change in title and/or tasks - You’ve been in the same position for a long time, with no prospects of ever doing something different.

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Your company is not interested in your career - Your company shows no interest in your career. They don’t know what your goals and ambitions are.

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Your company doesn’t support your career - Your company actually asked about your career goals, but there is no interest in helping you achieve them.

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You don’t feel challenged - You know what you have to do, but there’s nothing challenging about the tasks you perform at work.

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Your voice is not heard - Your company doesn’t listen to what you have to say and you feel your contributions are not valued.

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No upward movement - Your company simply doesn’t have a structure that allows you to move to a different position and advance in your career.

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You get those Monday blues - You dread the beginning of the work week and feel down about having to go to the office almost every day.

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Your effort is never recognized - No matter how well your perform and how great a worker you are, you’re never praised for your good job.

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You’re disposable - You don’t feel like you’re actually needed and valued by your company. You should be an asset, not a liability, and recognized as such.

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Overtime - You’re expected to do overtime without being paid extra for the hours and compromise your work-life balance.

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Your company prioritizes external candidates - Your company hires outside talent rather than considering current employees first.

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Here's what to do - Now we'll show you a few steps you can take to get unstuck from your dead-end job.

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Speak to your manager - If you’re affected by any of the above points, then the first thing you should do is express your concerns to your manager.

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Assessment - Analyse your financial situation in detail before making any decisions. Is your dead-end job paying your rent? Be as thorough as possible.

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Be professional - If you decide to look for another job, it is important that you continue to perform to the best of your ability at your current job.

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Strengths and weaknesses - Identify your strengths and weaknesses at your current job and see what you can learn and improve before moving on to the next one.

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