Smartphone apps that will simplify your life

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Skiplagged - Skiplagged is a unique travel app that finds "Hidden City" flights, offering cheaper options by booking layovers to your desired destination. 

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Flipboard - Flipboard is a content curation app that simplifies finding and reading news that is based on your interests. 

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Waze - Waze is a highly accurate navigation app that provides real-time traffic updates, accident reports, and road information.

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Shazam - Shazam identifies songs you hear, whether on TV, at a mall, or on the radio, instantly providing the song title and artist.

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Basmo - Basmo is an iPhone app designed for bibliophiles. It helps you catalog your reading list, set goals, take notes, and organize your book collection.

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Calm - Calm is a meditation and relaxation app offering a variety of calming content, from meditation courses to anxiety-reducing lessons.

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Rootd - Rootd is an iPhone and Android app designed to help individuals with anxiety.

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Duolingo - Duolingo is a language-learning app offering courses in 19 languages.

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Drink Water Tracker Reminder - This app sends reminders to help you stay hydrated throughout the day, ensuring you meet your daily water intake goals. 

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Goodreads - Goodreads is a reading enthusiast's dream app, enabling you to rate and review books, create a reading list, and participate in reading challenges.

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Mint - Mint is a finance management app that helps you track spending, manage bills, and gain insights into your financial health. 

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Evernote - Evernote is a versatile note-taking app suitable for organizing to-do lists and notes, and for collaborating with colleagues. 

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Snapseed - Snapseed is a free photo editing app that enhances your images with tools for adjusting color and sharpness, and applying preset filters. 

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Time Limits - While not an app itself, both Apple and Android phones offer time-limit features to restrict app usage, helping you manage screen time effectively.

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